My guest this Sunday is a British chef who's really made his mark here on Mallorca: Marc Fosh has worked in Spain for 18 years and spent 14 years at Read's Hotel, where he steered the restaurant to Michelin star status. Earlier this year, he left Read's to start a new venture. We'll chat about his career, his interests, culinary style and more,when Marc joins me in the studio after 11am.
And we'll have our fortnightly update on events in the north of the island, with
Ann MacDonald, editor of Talk of the North.
Join me this Sunday from 10am until 1pm . . . . and don't forget to put your clocks on by one hour before you go to bed on Saturday night!
Jan x
MALLORCA TODAY - Weather Alcúdia and Pollensa 24 February 2018
Morning high (7.21am): 1.6C
Forecast high: 14C; UV: 3
Three-day forecast: 25 February - Cloud, sun, 15C; 26 February - Cloud,
sun, 13C; 27 February - Rain, ...
7 years ago