What an amazing idea! Neil Crofts, Inma Alcina and Kay Newton (pictured left to right) joined me on Sunday's programme to talk about A Mentor for Every Child. If you missed the show, check out www.amentorforeverychild.com to understand why it has such incredible potential for today's youngsters - all over the world. There are several ways to become involved in this exciting project, as you'll read on the website.
Here on Mallorca, there's an opportunity for young people to have their say in how the project should progress, at a special Mentees' Workshop in May. Details are as follows:
Saturday, May 16 10am-2pm
For kids between 12 and 18
Workshop will be conducted in both Spanish and English
Venue: Onda Vital
Carrer Jeroni Alemany 5
07011 Palma de Mallorca
The workshop will introduce mentoring to teenagers, and the basic concepts suggested so far, so that they can contribute their own ideas on the way forward.
On the day there'll also be a competition to find the best web platform name for the project.
Snacks will be provided but attendees should take a cushion to sit on!
To reserve a place (essential) or find out more, contact info@kaynewtoncoaching.com
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